- Important news at WINET are listed here. Glories are always attributed to the hard work of the great bunch of students and visitors! (Fang)
- Congratulations to Professor Fang, who has been elevated to ACM Fellow! (1/18/2023)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who will join the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong (CityU), as the Chair Professor of Internet of Things!!! (8/5/2022)
- Congratulations to Dr. Jianqing Liu, our former member, who will join the Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University (NC State), as an assistant professor!!! (6/21/2022)
- Congratulations to Kaichen, who has accepted an assistant professor position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michigan Technological University!!! (5/10/2022)
- Congratulations to Linke, our former member, who has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University!!! (5/5/2022)
- Congratulations to Rui Hu (a PhD student of Dr. Yanmin Gong), who has accepted an Assistant Professor position at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno!!! (4/30/2022)
- Congratulations to Yifang Guo and Tianxi Ji (PhD students of Dr. Pan Li), who have accepted tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Towson University and the Department of Computer Science at Texas Technological University, respectively!!! Congratulations to Pan as well! (4/25/2022)
- Congratulations to Yaodan, who has accepted an assistant professor position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Idaho State University!!! (4/1/2022)
- Congratulations to Xianhao, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at University of Hong Kong!!! (3/29/2022)
- Congratulations to Yanmin and Yuanxiong, our former members, who have been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure at University of Texas at San Antonio!!! (02/02/2022)
- Congratulations to Haichuan (Ding), who has joined the School of Cyberspace Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, as a full professor! (11/11/2021)
- Congratulations to Qianlong (Wang), a PhD student of our former member Dr. Pan Li, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Towson University!!! (06/29/2021)
- Congratulations to Yanmin, our former member and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Texas at San Antonio, who has won the prestigious NSF Faculty CAREER Award!!! (5/18/2021)
- Congratulations to Haichuan, our former member, who has joined Samsung Research America as a Senior Research Engineer!!! (3/12/2021)
- Congratulations to Jianqing, our former member and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Alabama in Huntsville, who has won the prestigious NSF Faculty CAREER Award!!! (3/12/2021)
- Congratulations to Xinyue (Zhang), a PhD student of our former member Dr. Miao Pan, who has accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the Department of Computer Science at Kennesaw State University!!! (03/05/2021)
- Congratulations to Hao (Yue), who has received early promotion to Associate Professor with Tenure!!! (6/25/2020)
- Congratulations to Lan, who has successfully defensed her PhD dissertation!!! (6/24/2020)
- Congratulations to Dr. Ming Li, a former PhD student of our former member Dr. Pan Li, who has won the prestigious NSF Faculty CAREER Award!!! (05/05/2020)
- Congratulations to Lan, who has accepted an assistant professor position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan Technological University! (04/12/2020)
- Congratulations to Xiaonan Zhang, a graduating PhD student of our former member Dr. Linke Guo, who has accepted an assistant professor position in the Department of Computer Science, Florida State University! Congratulations to Dr. Linke Guo as well for a great job well done! (04/12/2020)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has received 2019 IEEE Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Technical Committee (AHSN) Technical Achievement Award (for "Outstanding Contributions to Medium Access Control and Security in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks and Wireless Sensor Networks")!!! (12/15/2019)
- Congratulations to Yawei, who has accepted a lecturer position in the Department of IoT, School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology! (10/30/2019)
- Congratulations to Yawei, who has successfully defensed his PhD dissertation!!! (7/10/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected to receive a University of Florida Foundation Preeminence Term Professorship for three-year period starting in 2019. (9/27/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected to receive a University of Florida Term Professorship for another three-year period starting in 2019. (7/16/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been promoted to Distinguished Professor! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Beatriz Lorenzo, our former visiting scholar, who has accepted an assistant professor position in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Massachusetts at Amherst! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Yanmin Gong, our former member, who has moved to Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Texas at San Antonio, as an assistant professor! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Yuanxiong Guo, our former member, who has moved to Department of Information Systems and Cyber Security, College of Business, the University of Texas at San Antonio, as an assistant professor! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Linke Guo, our former member, who has moved to Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Clemson University as an assistant professor! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Miao Pan, our former member, who has been promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Hao Yue, our former member, who the Presidential Award from his university, the highest honor for assistant professors in San Francisco State University! (6/28/2019)
- Congratulations to Dr. Miao Pan, our former member, who has sent his first two graduated PhD students to academia this year (Dr. Sai Mounika Errapotu will join ECE department at University of Texas at El Paso and Ms Jingyi Wang will join CS department at San Francisco State University)! (3/14/2019)
- Congratulations to Haichuan, who has accepted a postdoc position and will join Professor Kang Shin's research group at University of Michigan! (11/7/2018)
- Congratulations to Haichuan, who has successfully defended his PhD dissertation! (11/1/2018)
- Congratulations to Xiaoxia, our former member, who has recently joined the School of Electronics and Communication Engineering at Sun Yat-sen University in Kuangzhou as a Full Professor! (10/31/2018)
- Congratualtions to Dr. Fang, who will receive the 2018 IEEE Vehicular Technology Outstanding Service Award ("For outstanding service as the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2013-2017)''). (8/14/2018)
- Congratualtions to Jianqing and Haichuan, whose paper entitled "An Energy-Efficient Strategy for Secondary Users in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks for Green Communications" (J. Liu, H. Ding, Y. Cai, H. Yue, Y. Fang and S. Chen) in IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (vol. 34, no. 12, pp. 3195-3207, Dec. 2016) has been selected for the IEEE TCGCC Best Journal Paper Award by IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications & Computing (TCGCC)!!! (5/25/2018)
- Congratulations to Jianqing, who has successfully defended his PhD dissertation!!! (5/9/2018)
- Congratulations to Jianqing, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Alabama at Huntsville!!! (3/19/2018)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been elected as a member of the Editorial Board of the Proceedings of the IEEE (effective 1 January 2018 through 31 December 2020)! (11/22/2017)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected for the University of Florida Research Foundation Professorship for 2017-2020! (4/17/2017)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected to receive a University of Florida Term Professorship for a three-year period starting January 1, 2017. (3/17/2017)
- Congratulations to Dr. Jinyuan Sun, our former member, who has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at University of Tennessee!!! (8/29/2016)
- Congratulations to Dr. Pan Li, our former member, who has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University!!! (8/29/2016)
- Congratulations to Yanmin, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University!!! (4/18/2016)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected for the 2015-2016 University of Florida College of Engineering (CoE) Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award! (12/20/2015)
- Best Paper Award: The (former and current) lab members (Xuanheng Li, Linke Guo, and Dr. Fang) are congratulated on two papers winning the best paper awards at Globecom'2015 ("Economic-robust session based spectrum trading in multi-hop cognitive radio networks" (X. Li, M. Pan, Y. Song, Y. Sun and Y. Fang) and "Privacy-preserving verifiable proximity test for location-based services" (G. Zhuo, Q. Jia, L. Guo, M. Li and Y. Fang)). (12/10/2015)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been elected to the Fellow of American Association For The Advancement Of Science (AAAS) (2015 AAAS Fellows). (11/26/2015)
- Dr. Fang delivered a keynote at the 7th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing. (10/25/2015)
- Dr. Fang delivered a keynote at the 10th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China. (8/20/2015)
- Congratulations to Dr. Pan Li, our former member, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Case Western Reserve University!!! (8/5/2015)
- Congratulations to Dr. Yan Long, who has accepted a lecturer position in School of Information Science and Technology at Southwest Jiao Tong University, Chengdu, China!!! (7/26/2015)
- Congratulations to Kaihe, who has accepted a position with Tencent, Shenzhen, China!!! (7/7/2015)
- Congratulations to Kaihe, who has successfully defended his PhD dissertation today!!! (7/6/2015)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who will receive 2015 IEEE Communications & Information Security Technical Committee (CISTC) Technical Recognition Award (for "Contributions to Security and Privacy on Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing Systems")!!! (5/19/2015)
- Congratulations to Hao, who has successfully defended his PhD dissertation today!!! (5/15/2015)
- Congratulations to Hao, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Computer Science at San Francisco State University!!! (5/15/2015)
- Congratulations to Miao, our former member, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position and will move to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Houston in the Fall 2015!!! (5/15/2015)
- Congrtulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected for 2014 Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC) Recognition Award. This award was established to recognize a person with a high degree of visibility and contribution in the field of "Wireless and Mobile Communications Theory, Systems, and Networks". (11/3/2014)
- Congratulations to Hao, who has received the UFIC Outstanding International Student Award!!! (10/9/2014)
- Congratulations to Miao, our former member and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Texas Southern University, who has won the very prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty CAREER Award!!! (8/4/2014)
- Congratulations to Huang, who has accepted a postdoc position, working with Prof. Jean-Pierre Hubaux, in the
Computer Communications and Applications Laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland!!! (7/25/2014)
- Congratulations to Huang, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation!!! (7/25/2014)
- Congratulations to Yuanxiong, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation!!! (5/16/2014)
- Congratulations to Linke, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation!!! (5/8/2014)
- Congratulations to Linke, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Binghamton University (State University of New York at Binghamton)!!! (3/30/2014)
- Congratulations to Yuanxiong, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Oklahoma State University!!! (3/22/2014)
- Dr. Fang delivered a series of lectures during his IEEE ComSoc Distinguished
Lecture Tour. (9/20/2013)
- Dr. Fang delivered a keynote on cognitive radio networks on 13 August, 2013, at IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC'2013), 12-14 August 2013, Xian,China. (8/20/2013)
- Dr. Fang delivered at a keynote on cognitive radio networks on 9 August, 2013, at the 8th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA'2013), 7-10 August, 2013, Zhangjiajie, China. (8/20/2013)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. (4/1/2013)
- Congratulations to Byung-seo, our former member, who has been promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Computer & Information Communication Engineering at Hongik University. (11/2/2012)
- Congratulations to Chi, our former member and an Associate Professor at the School of Information Science and Technology,
University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China, who has won the IEEE Asia Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award! (10/2/2012)
- Dr. Fang delivered a series of lectures during his IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecture Tour. (8/20/2012)
- Congratulations to Zongrui, our lab collaborator, who has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation! (7/20/2012)
- Congratulations to Miao, who has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! (7/11/2012)
- Congratulations to Dr. Yang Song, our former member, who has accepted an offer as a Research Staff Member, IBM Almaden Research
Center, San Jose, California!!! (7/10/2012)
- Congratulations to Miao, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the
Department of Computer Science at Texas Southern University!!! (7/3/2012)
- Congratulations to Pan, our former member and an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Mississippi State University,
who has won the very prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty CAREER Award!!! (2/15/2012)
- Congratulations to Yuanxiong and Zongrui, whose paper entitled "Cutting Down Electricity Cost in Internet Data Centers by Using Energy Storage" (Yuanxiong Guo, Zongrui Ding, Yugang Fang and Dapeng Wu) has received the Best Paper Award in the Communications QoS, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium at IEEE Globecom'2011! (12/11/11)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has received a 2011 Florida Blue Key/UF Homecoming Distinguished Faculty Award! (11/4/2011)
- Congratulations to Chi, who will join the School of Information Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China, as an Associate Professor! (9/5/2011)
- Congratulations to Rongsheng, who has accepted an offer as a Member of Technical Staff, Olympus Communications Technology of America! (7/8/2011)
- Congratulations to Chi, who has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! (7/5/2011)
- Congratulations to Chi, who has been selected as the 2011 recipient of the Gator of
Engineering Attribute Graduate Student Award for Creativity! (6/29/2011)
- Congratulations to Dr. Wenjing Lou, who has accepted an Associate Professorship with
tenure from the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech! (6/15/2011)
- Congratulations to Rongsheng, who has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! (4/5/2011)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has received a 2010-2011 UF Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award! (2/2/2011)
- Congratulations to Yang, who has accepted a postdoc position in the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center! (7/20/2010)
- Congratulations to Stella, who has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation! (7/19/2010)
- Congratulations to Yang, who has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! (7/9/2010)
- Congratulations to Yanchao, our former member and an Assistant Professor in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology,
who has accepted an Associate Professor position in the School of Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering at
Arizona State University (ASU)! (6/8/2010)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has received the UF 2009 College of Engineering Faculty Mentoring Award! (2010)
- Congratulations to Jinyuan (Stella), who has accepted an Assistant Professor
position in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Tennessee, Knoxville! (5/11/2010)
- Congratulations to Feng, who has successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation! (7/23/2009)
- Congratulations to Pan, who has successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation! (7/20/2009)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has received the 2009 College of
Engineering Faculty Mentoring Award at University of Florida. (7/10/2009)
- Congratulations to Feng, who has accepted position as a Member of Technical Staff with
Scalable Network Technologies! (6/29/2009)
- Congratulations to Pan, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position in the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mississippi State University! (4/15/2009)
- Congratulations to Wenjing, our former member, who has been promoted to
Associate Professor with Tenure in the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, a really deserving award
indeed! (2/22/2009)
- Dr. Fang has been selected as the Editor-in-Chief for
IEEE Wireless Communications, starting January 2009. (1/23/2009)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been selected for the JSPS
Invitation Fellowship awarded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. (12/30/2008)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been awarded the Changjiang
Scholar Chair Professor with the State Key Laboratory of Integrated Services
Networks, Xidian University, Xi'an, China from 2008-2011. (8/20/2008)
- Congratulations to Xiaoxia, who has joined Shenzhen Institute of
Adavanced Technology, Chinese Acadamy of Sciences, China, as an Assiant
Researcher! (8/18/2008)
- Congratulations to Wenjing, our former member and an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Worcester
Polytechnic Institute, who has won the very prestigious National Science
Foundation Faculty CAREER Award!!! (12/5/2007)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been elevated to IEEE Fellow! (11/21/2007)
- On November 19, Dr. Wenchao Ma, our former member and a Senior Researcher at
Lenovo Corporate Research & Development in China, has delivered a seminar on
the new 3G standard WiMax. This is his first visit after he graduated in 2003.
Wenchao: Welcome back! (11/19/2007)
- On October 31, Dr. Wenjing Lou, our former member and an Assistant Professor in
the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute,
has delivered a seminar on wireless network security. Wenjing: Welcome back! (10/31/2007)
- Congratulations to Dr. Byung-Seo Kim, who has accepted an Assistant Professor position offer
in the Department of Computer Information & Communication, Hongik University, Korea.
- Congratulations to Yun, who has joined Microsoft Corporation, Seattle as a
Software Engineer. (8/11/2007)
- Congratulations to Xiaoxia, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dessertation!
- Congratulations to Yun, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dessertation
and will join Microsoft Corporation in Seattle soon! (6/18/2007)
- Congratulations to Shushan, who has accepted a senior software engineer
position at Bay Microsystems in San Jose, California! (05/05/2007)
- WING: Congratulations to Dr. Liuqing Yang, who has received the ONR Young
Investigator Award this year! (03/22/2007)
- WING: Congraturlations to Dr. Shigang Chen and Dr. Dapeng Wu, who have
received NSF CAREER Awards! We are extremely happy for such great jobs
they have done. (03/22/2007)
- Congratulations to Yanchao and Xinxin, who got happily married on Friday,
March 2, 2007! The love knot tied in heaven indeed! Let us wish them live
hand-in-hand forever! (03/03/2007)
- Congratulations to Dr. Wenjing Lou, whose Ph.D
student Mr. Kui Ren has accepted an Assistant Professor position
in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Illinois
Institute of Technology! (03/01/2007)
- Congratulations to Hongqiang, whose paper entitled
"Impact of Routing Metrics on Path Capacity in Multi-rate
and Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks" (H. Zhai and Y. Fang) received the Best Paper Award at
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols,
November 12-15, 2006. (11/15/2006)
- Congratulations to Shushan, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation on Monday, November 13, 2006! (11/13/2006)
- Congratulations to Jianfeng, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation on Tuesday, October 3, 2006! (10/03/2006)
- Congratulations to Jianfeng, who has accepted an offer from WiCAN-Wireless Communications and Networking Department, Philips Research North America as a Senior Research Staff! (08/27/2006)
- Congratulations to our alumnus Xiang, who has received the Motorola Level 2 Outstanding Performance
Standards Award! (08/05/2006)
- Congratulations to Hongqiang, who has accepted an offer from WiCAN-Wireless Communications and Networking Department, Philips Research North America as a Senior Research Staff! (07/06/2006)
- Congratulations to Yanchao, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation on Wednesday, July 12, 2006! (07/12/2006)
- Congratulations to Hongqiang, who has successfully defended his Ph.D dissertation on Wednesday, July 12, 2006! (07/12/2006)
- Congratulations to our alumnus Wenjing, who was selected as the Joseph Samuel Satin Distinguished Fellow for the 2006-07 academic year awarded by Worcester Polytechnic Institute in recognition of her outstanding accomplishments and promise for future contributions in both teaching and scholarship! (06/18/2006)
- Congratulations to Yanchao, who has accepted an Assistant Professorship in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology! (06/02/2006)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who was selected to receive a University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professorship! (04/04/2006)
- Congratulations to Jing, who successfully defended her Ph.D.
dissertation on Thursday, December 8, 2005! (12/11/2005)
- Congratulations to Wei, who joins Scalable Network Technologies after his graduation! (8/6/2005)
- Congratulations to Xiang, who joins Motorola Labs after his graduation! (8/6/2005)
- Congratulations to Frank, who made the front webpage of CISE for his
outstanding performance in his class! (7/24/2005)
- Congratulations to Wei, who successfully defended his Ph.D.
dissertation on Friday, July 22, 2005! (7/22/2005)
- Congratulations to Xiang, who successfully defended his Ph.D.
dissertation on Tuesday, July 5, 2005! (7/5/2005)
- Congratulations to Dr. Fang, who has been promoted to Full Professor!
- Congratulations to Dr. Sungwon Kim, who has joined Yeungnam
University, Korea, as an Assistant Professor! (1/22/2005)
- Congratulations to Byung-Seo, who has accepted a job at Motorola,
Inc., Illinois! (12/17/2004)
- Congratulations to Byung-Seo, who successfully defended his Ph.D.
dissertation on Friday, October 29, 2004! (10/29/2004)
- Congratulations to Dr. Younggoo Kwon, who has joined the Department
of Computer Engineering at Sejong University as an Assistant Professor!
- Congratulations to Wenchao, who will join Microsoft Research Asia,
Beijing, China! (8/2003)
- Dr. Fang has been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure!
- Congratulations to Wenchao for successfully passing his Ph.D. defense
today (6/20/2003)!
- Congratulations to Wenjing for successfully passing her Ph.D. defense
today (6/9/2003)!
- Wenjing Lou has recently accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professor
position in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Congratulations! (8/2003)
- Our College of Engineering graduate program has steadily improved in
ranking by US News and World Report, and we are now ranked 26 in the nation! Go Gators!!! (3/2003)
- The paper "Fast Collision Resolution (FCR) MAC Algorithm for Wireless
Local Area Networks" (Younggoo Kwon, Yuguang Fang and Haniph Latchman)
has received the IEEE TCGN Best Paper Award at IEEE High-Speed
Networks Symposium 2002, given by IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on
Gigabit Networking (TCGN).